Number 6- Too hot for that Tom-Foolery

Well, the sun has most definitely has it's hat on today! Here in UK down south we are experiencing a heatwave. I know its incredibly British to moan about the sunshine, BUT its too hot! 28 degrees is too hot for me to function.

The fan is on, next to no clothes on, I'm essentially laying in my own sweat in order to get cooler. Gross.. I know.

So I'm currently , according to glow, in my ovulation week! Meaning this week is the higher percentage of a little bean growing in my tummy. It's way to hot for that tom-foolery. But this is my favourite week in my cycle, because it allows me to get excited, and plan ahead.. Its the TWW around the corner I hate..

So this week, ideally the BABY DANCE is every other day, which allows us to have a break and for my SO to have a little rest. So this week, its all scheduled. When, where and how! But we are still having fun!

Most important thing to remember , HAVE FUN.

Take care,

Number 2- A rough idea..

Okay, so I'm one of them girls who fanaticises about having a family , getting married doing all the life goals.. So the day that my SO said maybe we should start trying to have a baby. My immediate thought was Yay! All we need to do is to have sex and that will happen...
Oh boy was I wrong.
I had been on the mini pill for 6-7 years. Obviously I tried to have breaks at some point, but the mini pill basically stopped me from having a period, and at the time I thought 'Praise the high heavens that I don't have a visit from the dreaded Aunt Flo every month..' Now I'm starting to hate my self.

So back to current time, I thought maybe stopping the pill and next month you'd be pregnant.. That's what they teach you in sex ed. DONT HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX OR ELSE. Each month we try different things, so in previous months I had just been laying still after, raising hips, legs all sort.. It wasn't successful but gave us both a giggle.

The scary bit is how down you start to feel about it, which is the worse thing. Every one says don't worry it will happen or just don't think about it. You can't, you become obsessed. Disappointed every time you see Aunt Flo's ugly face. The thing that hurts the most is my SO's face when I ask him to chuck me down a tampon or run to the shop. But we'll keep trying.

So now we have brought this thing called 'Conceive Plus', its a fertility lube. I had done so much research on it before buying. At first you think its just a gimmick, so I research the website and other fertility lube websites. It was £8.99 on amazon. I thought what's £8.99 (maybe the cost of one pregnancy test) it may or may not work. No harm in trying.
I have seen many reviews on this product, so once this months over may write a review for any other TTC's.

Take Care,

Number 5- Hello Aunt Flo.

I'm not going to lie ladies, I HATE this part. 

The day I got my period, Aunt Flo, The red sea, The crimson wave, I had a major meltdown, I tried to hold it in. At work I was trying to be cheerful whilst my body felt like she was betraying me. I kept it together until I got into his car. We had company and didn't want to be seen crying like a crazy lady in the front seat. I waited it out. Kept quiet, just said I was tired...

When I finally got up to safety of our room, I cried. I messaged my BFF who's so involved in my journey. The SO finds me and for some reason, it clicks , he knows why I'm sad straight away. You can see he is. We cuddled and cried. 

I think that's what is needed. Cry it all out. I felt better after. 

So a new month begins, I'm starting to look after my body more and more each time. Learning new tricks.

I've learnt, its okay to cry. You need to, except that loss. But remember each time your period comes, your body is NOT betraying you (It bloody well feels like it though) its telling you, 'Hey, you can get pregnant you beautiful specimen, Just not yet.'

So Chin up, Shoulders back, Lashes on, Heels slaying. Take the world as your catwalk.

Take Care,