So it's that time of the year where were celebrating our anniversary. I think anniversaries are a time to celebrate the time together rather than lavish each other in gifts - that's what you can do for birthdays and christmas.

So I decided to create a scrap book of our time together. Simple, easy and sentimental (& cheap if your counting pennies atm)

STEP ONE: So I just found a simple scrap book in my collection (I'm a hoarder of stationary) but you can pick one up absolutely anywhere! Supermarkets or stationary shops. 

STEP TWO: I made a folder in my phone of nice pictures of me and my boyf and quotes I then used a app on my phone called 'FREE PRINTS' . Each month your entitled 45 images or so for free and just pay for P&P. - a right old bargain

STEP THREE: Buy some glue and any crafty bits you want to include.

STEP FOUR: I then just stuck images on different pages and labeled them with dates and anything significant that happened at that time. 

It did take me a couple of days in total to complete but well worth it and its something you can keep forever and look back at. My boyf loved it and some bits made him laugh, smile and cry at. Make it personal and write down things you would never dreamed of writing before. 

 Have you made your partner a gift like this before?- or something similar?


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